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REVIEW: The Wings of Poppy Pendelton by Melanie Dobson

Chloe is adrift after the death of her beloved grandparents. When her parents were not able to take care of her, she was left in the loving care of her grandparents. They brought her up in the family business, living on the family island and she fears all will be lost when she settles the estate.
One evening during a terrible thunderstorm, a young girl of about 10 years old ends up on Chloe’s island. The girl is insistent that she needs to stay there.

There’s also the tale of a long-lost Pendleton child, during the Gilded Age, from the same island. That child, Poppy (a/k/a Penelope), was never seen again and mystery surrounds the story as she disappeared the same night as a large party on the island and the night her father died there.

An investigative journalist comes to town to get to the bottom of the story about Poppy. He needs help from Chloe and he becomes involved in both the history story and the arrival of the young girl into Chloe’s life.

Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for providing me an ARC in exchange for a review in my own words.

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