REVIEW: A Love Discovered by Tracie Peterson

This is the first book of a new series from Tracie Peterson. In this book we find a marriage of convenience between Marybeth and Edward Vogel. Edward is heading to Cheyenne to be a lawman. Marybeth, caring for her orphaned, 2-year-old sister, needs a way out of Indiana where the pastor is pressuring her to put Carrie (the sister) up for adoption.
Cheyenne is a railroad town during the time (post Civil War) when roughnecks were travelling from town to town for railroad construction. That makes Cheyenne an overcrowded, hard-to-control town. Perhaps more than Edward expected when he took the assignment.
Since this is a marriage of convenience between long-time friends, Marybeth and Edward also struggle with their growing attraction to one another.
Thanks to Bethany House for providing me an ARC in exchange for a review in my own words.

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